Marcello del Monaco on technique (translated)
Below you can find the translation in English.
“I'm Marcello del Monaco. I insist on saying a fundamental thing that you can only sing with a very low, very deep larynx. Later, one can have resonances in the mask, you even have to search for these resonances, because it’s a question of a pleasant voice production, however the main and principal fact remains that the larynx has to remain low. To search for the mask, rising the larynx, holding it in a middle position, between low and high is always a risk and in the long run dangerous. You can see examples that I don’t want to name that happened not long ago. You can’t try to lighten the voice, the voice gets lighter only by lessening the push on the diaphragm, but the position always remains constant, always the same. The passaggio is scrupulously gathered, in fact I would say from the lowest to the highest notes, without thinking about the passaggio, the whole voice is gathered from top to bottom, there’s only one position. It means that the passaggio will be a bit more sacrificed, but the position remains always consistent, always perfect, also in an opera where a powerful vocal emission is needed. These are the suggestions I can give to my friend Rolando.”
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